Tidskriftsartiklar i urval
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För fullständig lista över vetenskapliga artiklar se: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
- Hægerstam G. SMER på det sluttande planet – Apropå Statens medicinsk-etiska råds rapport 2013:1 om assisterad befruktning. Signum 2013;8:39-42
- Hægerstam G, Vetenskapen inför rätta. Signum. Nedanstående text publicerad som gästblogg. http://signum.se/vetenskapen-infor-ratta/
- Hægerstam G. De empiriska vetenskaperna vacklar. Signum 2011;6:59-61
- Hægerstam G. Det sluttande planet och en flytande värdegrund. Signum 2009;35-39
- Allerbring M, Haegerstam G. Chronic idiopathic orofacial pain. A long-term follow-up study. Acta Odontol Scand 2004 Apr;62(2):66-9
- Haegerstam GA. Pathophysiology of bone pain: a review. Acta Orthop Scand 2001 Jun;72(3):308-17
- Fors UG, Sandberg HH, Edwall LG, Haegerstam GA. A comparison between different models of the relation between recorded intradental nerve impulse activity and reported pain in man. Int J Biomed Comput 1989 Mar;24(1):17-28
- Fors UG, Edwall LG, Haegerstam GA. The ability of a mathematical model to evaluate the effects of two pain modulating procedures on pulpal pain in man. Pain 1988 May;33(2):253-64
- Fors UG, Ahlquist ML, Edwall LG, Haegerstam GA. Evaluation of a mathematical model analysing the relation between intradental nerve impulse activity and perceived pain in man. Int J Biomed Comput 1986 Nov;19(3-4):261-77
- Ahlquist ML, Edwall LG, Franzen OG, Haegerstam GA. Perception of pulpal pain as a function of intradental nerve activity. Pain 1984 Aug;19(4):353-66
- Fors U, Ahlquist ML, Skagerwall R, Edwall LG, Haegerstam GA. Relation between intradental nerve activity and estimated pain in man–a mathematical model. Pain 1984 Apr;18(4):397-408
- Haegerstam G. The origin of impulses recorded from dentinal cavities in the tooth of the cat. Acta Physiol Scand 1976 Mar;97(1):121-8